Anyway, hi! Welcome to another blog entry. Its summer and summer is my favorite season for fruits and veggies, but mainly fruits. The pluots, nectarines, avocados, and berries are off the chain and I love all of them.
This post is not about the foods I love stuffing in my face (although, that list is extensive), this is about knowing stuff.
The Environmental Working Group recently released their list of the Dirty Dozen. A list of produce found to have the highest pesticide residue as well as a list of the produce found to be the cleanest.
A general rule of thumb: if it's not something you peel, it's a higher risk, because you're consuming something a pesticide has actually touched. That's where buying organic becomes helpful. I personally don't think you need to buy all organic, but in certain cases, like pesticides on your food, organic rules.
In my experience, even when buying organic or direct from a farmer's market, a good rinse and scrub is always helpful. Better safe than sorry when it comes to health.
So go forth, do your homework, buy fruits and veggies, live long and prosper. Also, get outside and do stuff (after reading my blog, of course).
Peace & happy summer,