Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smooth(ie) Sailing

Greetings cooks, food lovers, and people who stumbled here accidentally,

Today, we're talking kale & blenders.  Kale is awesome for you.  If your body was the class geek, kale is the super model your body marries after it invents some wicked cool technology thingie later in life.  Wait, maybe kale is the money you make?  Maybe it's just the wicked cool thingie...

I don't know.  That's not the point.  The point is kale = goodness.  Learn some more about kale goodness.  I'll wait.....

Great, moving on. I don't yet own a juicer, but if I did, I would be a juicing fool.  However, I do own a blender and it lets me create healthy & wholesome smoothies, such as:

Kale Raspberry Smoothie

You'll need:

1 cup chopped & rinsed kale
1 cup rinsed raspberries
1 sliced banana
1 cup milk

Combine all your ingredients in the blender and blend for at least 1 minute.  If you don't blend enough, you'll get a nice mushy, chunk of kale out of nowhere and it is NOT pleasant.  Trust me.

A couple of notes about smoothies from personal experience.  First, my favorite milk to use is coconut because I like the consistency & flavor, however, since using coconut or almond milk could potentially kill my fella, I've switched to 1% mooing milk for my smoothie mix.  Soy milk is also a good choice if you're non-dairy only.  Second, this particular combo was missing something.  First, I think it needed more berries.  Second, I planned to add a drop of vanilla, but discovered I had no vanilla to add (smoothie fail).  It was still delicious, but mostly tasted like a green banana (as the fella accurately pointed out).  It was good, but it could be better.  Fo sho.

One of my favorite things about morning smoothies (or juices) is the number of fruit & veggie servings you can knock out as soon as you start your day.  For instance, this smoothie contained 1 serving of each ingredient and I easily could have added more kale and berries to up that number.  It's a great way to help you get your 8-10 reccomended servings in per day and not feel like you're munching on kale leaves and twigs non-stop.  Unless you really like those things, in which case, carry on.

As always, thanks for reading.  Play outside and eat your veggies!

Rainbows & Kale love,